SecureIDNews Podcast Episode on GTRI’s Trustmark Pilot

Gina Jordan of re:ID recently interviewed John Wandelt, a GTRI Research Fellow and Division Chief, about GTRI’s NSTIC pilot award for its Trustmark Marketplace pilot project, as part of the SecureIDNews podcast series.

In the interview, Wandelt discusses GTRI’s background in information exchange, including its experience in developing technical specifications such as the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and the Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM) suite of specs. He then describes the challenges encountered during the rollout of GFIPM solutions within the U.S. law enforcement community via the National Identity Exchange Federation (NIEF) and other identity federations, and how those challenges led GTRI engineers to develop a trustmark framework approach to wide-scale identity trust across multiple Communities of Interest (COIs). GTRI plans to pilot this concept under its NSTIC award.

The podcast audio is available here.