
You are viewing an archival website from the original trustmark pilot in 2013-2016. If you are looking for more recent content about the trustmark framework, please visit the Trustmark Initiative website.

Welcome to the project archive website for the GTRI NSTIC Trustmark Pilot!

In 2013, GTRI submitted a research proposal to NIST in response to the 2013 NSTIC Pilots Cooperative Agreement Program. In our proposal, we claimed that “the trust and interoperability scaling problem is the single most significant barrier to the wide adoption of an Identity Ecosystem”, and our proposal described a concept called a Trustmark Framework, which can help to overcome this barrier. After being selected by the NSTIC NPO as a grant recipient by NIST, we developed this concept from idea into reality and proved its capabilities through a real-world pilot that ran from 2013 to 2016. This website serves as a public archive for all content that we developed under that pilot project. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at TrustmarkFeedback@gtri.gatech.edu.